Ivy's Thoughts:
"Seriously, Brayden, if you are sad this ba-ha-bah will make you feel so much better. I love all of my ba-ha-bahs (by the way that is what I call my paci's) and my mom tries to make me leave it in the crib. You should suck the daylights out of your paci for as long as you can because when you get a little bigger your mommy might try to limit it. I have even heard other mommy's taking it away all together!!!! Isn't that crazy! Please, Baby Brayden, I would love to see you with your ba-ha-bah, it would make you feel so happy!"
Ivy was determined. She followed him around and said "you this?" over and over. She was certain that it would make him feel better. After lunch Brayden seemed to be in better spirits. They were chasing each other around. It is going to be so fun to see them grow up together. Before long the 10 month difference will be lost in the past.... it seems like every time we get together they interact more and more. Ivy loves babies- maybe soon there will be more little ones in our house!!! (Right, honey!)