2. BOWS! I have not gotten to do the bow thing because Ivy was anti-headband and then anti-bow once she got the hair. Since the hair cut on Sunday we have worn a bow everyday. I am thankful to see Ivy in this girly new light.
3. Other Mommies! I am thankful for my mommy friends. I love the relationship that forms and support that we can give each other through the difficult times. My great friend, Diana, and I have been able to spend time together weekly with me working part time. Our friendship has grown so much and I am so appreciative of that. I love seeing the girls play. I also love all the other blogging mommies. Reading about your mommy adventures is like Chicken Soup for the Mommy's Soul. And what an amazing world we live in that I can feel like I am in the day to day life of my mommy friends all the way in Utah! The Internet is the greatest thing in the world. Seriously, I am so thankful for these friendships!
4. Twilight and more importantly, EDWARD, tomorrow at 9:50 with tons of my teacher friends who are equally in love with Edward. We will all be wearing our Twilight shirts to work and out tomorrow evening. (Pictures will be soon!)