Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for:
1. The Twilight movie that will be coming out in 14 days! Can't wait :) to go see it and fall in love with the real life movie Edward instead of the only in my imagination book Edward!

2. In just half a year... literally 6 months... my husband will officially be a UK graduate. I am so proud of him and the hard work he has done. I believe it is pretty incredible that he is able to balance being a student, intern, husband, and father. And if I do brag for a moment- he does an amazing job of each of these things!! I can't wait to see him graduate and start his career. :)

3. How could I not be thankful for a post-nap hairdo like this? I love my little --snot dripping, teeth hurting, fit throwing, candy eating-- Ivy!

** A little Ivy humor to go along with this silly picture-- Ivy has had a bad cold (now sinus infection) for about 3 weeks. She has been coughing and had a runny nose and you can tell she is just tired of it. She has learned to stick her fingers in her nose when it won't quit dripping (nasty... I know). At Panera we were telling her "shhhhh" because she was talking on volume 10 (the typical Ivy talk) and she thought we had our finger in our nose too. She immediately stuck her fingers (plural) in her nose and persisted to do her own "shhhh." It was hilarious! Kids are the best medicine for any bad day- they are so funny without even meaning to be!