It is hard to believe that we already celebrated Tula's 4 month birthday! Today we went to her doctor's appointment to get her check up and sure enough she is still growing :)
Tula's Stats:
Height: 23 inches (20%)
Weight: 12 lbs 1 oz (16%)
She is still a little bitty thing but is moving on up... she was born at the 5%, at 2 months she checked in at 14%, and now 16%! Dr. Menkus was pleased with her growth and how smiley she was. Overall, it was a good visit and we have spent the remainder of my day off taking a little nap together :)
What Tula Loves:
* Tula is still loving her carseat.... she likes to sit in it and be toted around. She likes to go for rides in the car (unless it is dark). And she takes most all of her naps in the carseat- making her a super flexible baby!
* Tula loves to hold things and put anything straight to her mouth. She has started teething and their are two tiny white spots on her bottom gums. So needless to say, Sophie the giraffe is her favorite toy!
* Tula is a bit spoiled.... and she loves to be held! To sleep, to walk around, to sit, etc. No matter what is going on she loves to be held. I am enjoying this time because I know they don't let you hold them forever. I have to hang on to this baby stage!
* Tula's favorite person is mommy- probably because she loves to eat like it's going out of style when she is having "one of those days!" It annoys Daddy that Tula is so easily comforted by Mommy but he has to work hard to calm her down. I know the "Daddy's Girl" phase will come in due time!
* We are enjoying time with this sweet 4 month old. She is cooing, smiling, and blowing TONS of bubbles! That is her new trick :) She is dawning some pretty little gems in her ears just like her big sister, so I am sure she will be quite the princess (trained by Ivy)! For the most part, she is a happy baby girl!
I am going to be blogging soon about being a mommy the second time around.... it is so different for me! Talk about calmness! It is such a blessing.