Not only do I love reading but Ivy LOVES books. She has tons of them (Thank you, Grandma!) and we rotate them out every other week so that we are not reading the same ones over and over. We are now fully over eating the pages and are so into what is in the pictures and what mommy is reading. Her newest favorite that she got off her "big girl bookshelf" is Fox In Socks. She thinks it is really silly.
2. Danskos. These shoes are to die for. If you have hurty feet and are consistently on your feet these are the shoes for you! I have been wearing them since my first classroom observation in college (about 5 years ago). I just got a snazzy new pair of patent leopard ones that I have been rocking out EVERYDAY! :) Love. Them. Muchas.
3. BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). I started BSF in September. Lots of you have probably heard of it- it is a non-denominational bible study that is world wide. Every BSF group (all over the planet) is studying Moses this year. I am learning so much and love the depth of this study- it is hard core but I really need the structure. And an added bonus, I go with my Mama and we get a dipped cone from DQ on our way home every Monday! Everything... even the perfect Bible... is better with ice cream.