I am so excited because Kelli gave me the "I Love Your Blog" Award! :) I have never really seen this on any Kentucky blogs but these awards are a common thing on all my Utah friend's blogs! Now I am supposed to answer these questions using only one word responses and then I get to tag a few others that I give pass the award onto! YAY~ Thank you, Kelli!
1. Where is your phone?: beside
2. Where is your significant other?: gym
3 .Your hair color?: brown
4. Your Mother?: love
5. Your Father?: smart
6. Your favorite thing?: family
7. Your dream last night?: none
8. Your dream/goal?: adopt
9. The room your in?: family
10. Your hobby?: exercise
11. Your fear?: snakes
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?: mommy
13. Where were you last night?: home
14. What you're not?: worker-bee
15. One of your wish-list items?: home-owner
16. Where you grew up?: Kentucky
17. The last thing you ate?: chocolate
18. What are you wearing?: jammies
19. Your TV?: off
20. Your pet?: Kaya
21. Your computer?: used
22. Your mood?: tired
23. Missing someone?: brother
24. Your car?: Jetta
25. Something you're not wearing?: necklace
26. Favorite store?: Target
27. Your Summer?: fantastic
28. Love someone?: Hubby
29. Your favorite color?: green
30. When was the last time you laughed?: today
31. Last time you cried?: Wednesday
"I LOVE YOUR BLOG": Kendra, Allie, and Brooke