Today has been one of those days.... and it is only 2:30. I am exhausted and drained from motherhood. Ivy's year of being two is near over and these are some things that I have learned.
1. The terrible two's go in spurts and they are either really terrific and so much fun to be around or (like today) they can pretty terrible.
2. You spend so much time being consistent and it does pay off.
3. Choose a form a discipline a stick to it. Time out and isolation works for Ivy- in rare cases she gets a swat on the bottom- when she is doing something completely intolerable after several rounds of time out.
4. Enjoy all that they are learning and soaking up, but realize they are getting to where they can manipulate others.
5. It's okay to put yourself in time out when you need a break. I often go in my room and shut the door when I feel like I am going to loose my cool with my two year old. It takes a couple of minutes for me to pray, gain my sanity, and go back to parenting with a better outlook.
6. Try to create situations where your child WILL have success. Don't run errands at nap time, don't out stay your welcome, and don't put them in situations that tempt them to act out.
7. Vent to someone.... or you might explode. I can vent to Greg, my mom, and my friends- all who can console me when Ivy is about to drive me bonkers- and sometimes I just need to blog about it.
8. Forgive yourself when you make parenting mistakes-- it's going to happen, forgive yourself, and move on.
9. I will never again look at an UNRULY child in public and think "the parents need to get in control"..... I have been that parent and know that sometimes you are doing all you can to survive.
10. Celebrate the little accomplishments in a BIG way to make them see new independence as a good thing.
Today has been hard. I can't say it has been the hardest day of parenting ever... but it has been ugly. Ivy hasn't pooped in 5 days and it has her quite grumpy! Not to make excuses, but I don't think that is helping the situation. She is screaming, hitting, and acting foolish. We went to a friend's house and I was mortified by the way she spoke to me and her lack of manners. I ended up putting her down for a nap in the midst of her screaming like the devil, which is not are usual routine!! I miss rocking, reading stories, and making her "snug as a bug in a rug" (yes, Ivy would still be swaddled if they made big enough blankets). I feel sad and guilty about the way she acted. I am embarrassed that my friend didn't get to see the usual bubbly personality of Ivy. It scares me for days like this to come, when I have two children. My feelings are hurt and I hope that she wakes up happy and preferably, ready to poop! Cheers to the rest of the day.
PS- I planned to blog about the giggles that rang in my backyard last night when Greg and Ivy had a water fight, but my mind wasn't there. Those will come later. Maybe tomorrow!
Update: Yesterday continued to be TERRIBLE but this morning was different. Who knew I could be so happy about a 2 year old pooping??!! Not pooping alters her personality completely... and it is not fun!