As many of you may have read on Facebook.... I am expecting baby #2! We are very excited and ready to see Ivy in the role of a big sister. Due to this pregnancy you may notice a slacking on the blog posts... to be honest, I am sick sick sick this time around. I have all day sickness that peaks between the hours of 4pm and 9pm-- LOVELY! However, I know that be pregnant is such a blessing and will be worth every downfall that pregnancy includes :) I am hoping that in the next few weeks I will start to be on the up and up. I am a little over 8 weeks along, and due in mid-September. We are ecstatic about our newest addition and would love for you to join us in praying for a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy.
Boy or Girl? We really would not care either way. I would love for Ivy to experience the joy of having a sister, something I never had. But I would love to have a little boy who will enjoy many fishing extravaganzas with his Daddy and hopefully at the end of the day, would be a mama's boy! We are already taking bets..... so far 100% of the voters say "It's a boy!" What do you think?