Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thankful Thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for.......

My husband~ I don't know if I give him enough credit for what an amazing father and husband he is. I got to go to a school Christmas party at one of his professor's homes this week. I was so proud to be on his arm! He is such a hard worker and is so eager to graduate and really provide for our family. I fall deeper in love with him each day and especially in the moments I see him with Ivy. And I can't even tell you what it does to me.... when I look in the eyes of Ivy and see Daddy's little clone. (I mean seriously- did you see the hat pictures?)

Medicine~ I am thankful that we can go to a doctor and receive medicine super fast when our little one's are sick. Ivy went today and has an EAR INFECTION!! (Can you believe it?) I thought we were out of the woods after the tubes. Oh well! Thank goodness for doctors and good meds.

My Nativity Scene~ I love this nativity that my mom got me when I was pregnant. It is perfect for Ivy's little hands. She is so gentle with baby Jesus. She absolutely LOVES the pillow that she takes out of the manger and lays her head on. So sweet! I am thankful for this non-breakable Christmas item.