Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Joss Maven @ 2 months

Joss Maven
2 months on 10/13/13

23 1/4 inches (71%)
9 lbs 11 oz (16%)

At 2 months, this smiley, happy, sleep loving, sweet talking baby is a joy to be around.  Time seems to be flying and it is hard to believe she is already 10 weeks old.  I feel like she was born yesterday but also completes our  family giving me a sense that she has always been here.  
What's going on @ 2 months?
Sleep.  As far as sleep goes it seems we have hit the jackpot.... maybe "third one's a charm" phrase is ringing true with Joss.  I am afraid to type out how long she is sleeping for fear of jinxing it because at 2 months Tula was only waking up once and Lord knows that she went down hill from there waking all. night. long. to eat and sleeping in my arms until 8 months old.  But now that we are 8 weeks into sleeping through the night it's safe to say.... Joss sleeps through the night.  She sleeps from 10:30 to 7:30 most nights- sometimes a little longer, sometimes a little shorter.  She is currently cozy in a swaddler, with her hands pushed out by her face and laying on her side (her choice to roll that way... not mine) in the co-sleeper bassinet attached to our bed. I feel rested like I can conquer the world.  Soon she will probably move to her room but I secretly love having her so close by so I can take a peek at her at least 50 times before I actually fall asleep. She also naps A LOT- I am not sure if she is just "resting her eyes" to block out the busy-ness when the big girls are home or if she truly enjoys sleep this much.  She naps in the swing, bouncy seat, and car seat.... I don't believe she has ever napped in her bed/bassinet.... I think I am a little too on-the-go for that! :/

Eat. Joss eats good and often during the day to make up for the long stretch at night.  She never goes longer than 3 hours but usually hovers around 2 1/2 hours between each feeding.  After having mastitis I noticed a huge drop in my supply from my left breast and had to supplement with formula for one of the evening feedings when she was eating every 2 hours.  She takes the bottle wonderfully and has no trouble digesting the formula.  I was able to pump at that time and now seem to have enough milk to sustain her on most evenings but it has been nice to get a full storage of breast milk and let daddy have a chance to feed her.  I am thankful that she has been very flexible with breast, bottle, formula, etc. because I am not sure how long I will keep up with pumping when I go back to work.  Pumping really stinks! I may change my mind when I start to enjoy a moment to sit down and relax in the dark dusty storage closet complete with cobwebs and dust bunnies during the hustle and craziness of back to work. Maybe I'll enjoy the down time... we will see!

Play.  Joss loves to look around and specifically notices big shapes.... the frames on our family room wall, ceiling fan, our headboard, etc.  She also loves the lights on her play mat and the butterfly hanging on her bouncy seat.  She is also more than happy to be swinging in her swing which usually puts her right to sleep after a little bit.  Joss loves to be talked to and will give smiles freely but gets sad with a puckered out lip if you walk away.  Baby girl loves to be held.... by women.... sorry Daddy and Pops but sometimes Joss just knows you are not the same and she lets you know!  I know this is just a phase as my big girls LOVE the men in their lives dearly and before long I'll have to wait in line behind them- but for now I enjoy being Joss' favorite playmate! 

It is hard to believe how quickly our Baby Jossi has grown.  I am soaking up the next 2 and half weeks of maternity leave with her- especially our alone time when Tula goes to school a few days a week.  I know that time will be hard to come by when I go back to work.  I am thankful for Joss' sweet smile, good health, and the perfect ending to our family! With the addition of her, Daddy and I truly have a life wrapped in pink!