I have been having a love affair... and I only wish it was with my husband!
Instead, I present to you....
Instead, I present to you....
Mr. Milk Man
Oh the lengths, you go to continue nursing your baby when you go back to work. My great lengths include two quick rendezvous with Mr. Milk Man in the utility closet hidden deep in the walls of Wilmore Elementary. I am surrounded by wires, old computers, the occasional creepy crawly, and enough dust bunnies to build Tula Belle a brand new stuffed animal!
But oh, how it is worth it! I am so excited that Tula and I have reached the 5 months of nursing mark this week. Ivy was done as my supply dwindled out at 4 months so I am patting myself on the back and cheering us on to keep going. My goal was to nurse Tula longer than I was able to do with Ivy and that I have accomplished- am I done? Absolutely not! It is going too well. My supply is meeting Tula's needs and she still prefers nursing over the bottle any day. My babysitter and lovely family members who have attempted feeding Tula would say prefers is a light word for the rejection she shows toward the bottle the first 15 minutes of every bottle feeding. (Sorry to you all... happy for me!) She is growing, growing complete with chubby cheeks and rolls up and down her thighs on this liquid gold alone.
I am so thankful for this time with my sweet baby and for her the love affair between the Milk Man and Mama will have to continue!