We had a pretty ordinary Valentine's Day in what feels like a crazy life! Not crazy like bad crazy but just busy crazy :) It always seems like we are on the go or preparing the kiddos to be on the go! During the week we don't ever catch up.... cooking, cleaning, washing, schooling, and we are sure to make some time for playing! Amidst our hectic schedule we still took the time to celebrate our crazy love :)
Look at this little Valentine- definitely hyped up with a sugar buzz from the cookies, chocolate, and candy hearts! She was riding her pony like a crazy woman decked out with her Valentine's outfit, sunglasses, and balloon!
Monday evening was pretty normal for Greg and I, but we were lucky enough to celebrate our love on Saturday. Ivy and Tula had a great time playing with Sidney Shea and Rhett while mommy and daddy got some time together. (We can't wait to keep their kiddos for them next month- we are trading children every other month to make sure to sneak in some dates!) Greg and I went to a little local cafe.... Main and Maple.... and LOVED it. It was so yummy and peaceful and we full got to enjoy time together. Before we left, Greg surprised me with such a pretty drawing he did for me and had framed. He is so artistic and I miss that part of him- with our crazy life he doesn't have a lot of time to draw but for this special occasion he did. The picture doesn't really do his work justice but he is really good!
It was a great Valentine's Day with the love of my life.... and our two mini loves!
Hope you had a special V-Day too!