It's a GIRL!!!
Today was a big day! We got to go find out what Baby #2 is and last night I could not sleep, I was so excited. Ivy was ready to go to the doctor from the moment she woke up. Everything looks healthy on our little one but she is pretty calm compared to how Ivy flailed around in the womb. In fact, she was so relaxed that she didn't want to give us a spread eagle shot. We jiggled her as much as possible and this is what we finally got....
The 3 white lines mean it's a girl.... but the ultrasound tech wants a second ultrasound in hopes of a better crotch shot. (She only felt 95% sure it was a girl!) But Dr. Cunningham was certain that it was a girl, but is more than willing to sign off for me to get a double take. So on my next visit we will see the little Princess. Can you tell I am convinced it's a girl? I've never seen a boy part on an ultrasound but that doesn't look like it could be to me!
Sweet profile shot, we had to be quick because she put her thumb right back in her mouth.
Sucking her thumb, Ivy says she needs a paci!
Little leg and foot :)
We feel so blessed to have another healthy baby girl on the way. I am excited for Ivy to have the sister that I never had..... my brother is good but he couldn't be a maid of honor :) Well, he could have been, but I don't think he would look so great in a red dress!! Daddy feels a bit out numbered but says it is even more important that he impress his hobbies on Ivy.... so soon they will go fishing and he already has her kicking the soccer ball around in the backyard.
This September we will be welcoming another little princess, Tula Belle, into our family!