Our day started very early on Valentine's Day. Ivy and I headed over to the mall to do the heart walk with Emily and her mom Julie. This was a great way to support a great cause. Heart Disease is the leading cause of death for men and women. Emily and I have been friends since middle school and heart disease runs strong in her family. Ivy and I went out to support them! Not to mention, Emily got engaged on Thursday night- YAY!! I wish I had a pic of the beautiful ring. We are so excited to celebrate her special day and we can't wait for her to be Emily Jenkins!
Ivy was excited to open her Valentine from Grandma and Grandpa.... which included a c-OO-k-EE. Ivy had to have a bite that instance. I think she had enough sugar yesterday for everyone. She definitely has a sweet tooth- wonder where that came from??? :)
Ivy enjoyed cooking Grandpa a meal in the kitchen while traipsing around in Grandma's shoes.
Ivy even got to take some pictures with Grandma's camera. She quickly learned what the buttons did and Grandpa is sure she is going to be a technology whiz.... I guess she will have to inherit that gene from someone other than me. I still can't work my camera half the time and I have had it for about 3 years.
She's our Valentine....and she looks so big in this picture!!!
Our Valentine's Day ended with a surprise to-go order of chocolate fondue from Saul Good. My mom ordered this for us the other day and we just had to pick it up. Ivy was asleep so we didn't have to share with our little sugar plum. We enjoyed wine and even lit candles to make it feel like we were at the restaurant. Yummy, yummy- for chocolate fondue without the big Valentine's crowd!
Happy Valentine's Day to All!!!