my family loves and they love hard.
everytime we get together we laugh, we eat, we talk, and we laugh some more. it is always a good time and i am so thankful for them. for my parents- who are excellent role models, for my awesome brother, and for the most amazing woman that anthony chose to be his wife and before long..... like in the middle of september they will welcome a sweet baby.
so if you have calculated correctly you know-
but this weekend was awesome and just one little snapshot of our 2 days together highlights one of my top 10 family memories.
So I present to you.... family kickball.....HILARIOUS!
this game sent our little red ball flying faster than it ever has through the air of our backyard.
this game caused some videoing to be used (for black mailing) if need be :)
this game caused my sweet, innocent brother to launch a line drive across the yard to get my mom out- where ouch, it nearly knocked her head off!
this game gave us some hope that ivy might have more athleticism and coordination than we have given her credit for.
this game was family bonding, family fun, and family memories on overload!
you have to be intentional about creating some memories, like a first birthday, a trip to disney, a camping trip, or going canoeing together.
but other memories just happen and at times, those are the ones you go to bed thinking of and hope for more of when you wake up the next day.
i am thankful for a family where those kind of memories just happen... all the time.