When it rains, it pours and this week it rained little germies all over my sweet girls!
It may seem unlucky after lucky Saint Patrick's Day however, I have prayed for it in a way. I prayed for energy to do it all, for balance in the busy-ness of these next few months, for moments to enjoy the little things and little people in my life and in a weird unexpected way God answered that prayer this week. I have missed two and half days of school to be with my little girls and as much as that can be stressful it also gives me time at home, time to care for my sick little ones and time that demands a break from the busy-ness of the season. So answered prayer it is.
It may seem unlucky after lucky Saint Patrick's Day however, I have prayed for it in a way. I prayed for energy to do it all, for balance in the busy-ness of these next few months, for moments to enjoy the little things and little people in my life and in a weird unexpected way God answered that prayer this week. I have missed two and half days of school to be with my little girls and as much as that can be stressful it also gives me time at home, time to care for my sick little ones and time that demands a break from the busy-ness of the season. So answered prayer it is.
Sick kids can sleep anywhere.... including a ball pit.... with two balls that Tula specifically chose, a blankie, a paci, and a baby doll. Tula thought the pit looked like loads of fun, until she got inside and realized it was the perfect spot for a snooze.
Ivy accompanied her baby sister to the doctor because our appointment was after school. I love how sweet she was to Tula in this situation. She got "checked out" too just to show Tula she didn't have to be scared. And the smile on Tula's face shows how comforting it is to be in the arms of her big sister! With a dose of meds, Tula was feeling better by Wednesday morning and back to the grind it was. Unfortunately, big sister caught a bug at the doctor's office (probably)....
So Wednesday, I picked Ivy up with tears in her eyes complaining her head and mouth were hurting. Blisters on the throat and fever led us back to the Doc but just another germie virus. But a germie virus that kept Ivy home on Thursday with Daddy and then again today with Mommy. Silly girl said sunglasses made her head feel better, and then I caught her wearing them like Nana's glasses to help you read better!!
This morning Ivy woke up ready to tell me her great idea- HOME SCHOOL! She said, "Home school is when you have a mommy for a teacher and a little kid for a student and you do school at home instead of school." She thinks this is solely her idea, and I am not going to let her know otherwise. If this little lady knew this was an option, the begging would begin! :) So I obliged and out came the letters, whiteboards, books, etc.
So thanks to unexpected prayers, I get to stay home another day but Ivy is keeping me from becoming a rusty teacher! Fingers crossed, I will be back on the job on Monday with two healthy little girls ready for enjoy the sunshine and their friends again.