Saturday, December 14, 2013

Joss Maven @ 4 Months

Joss Maven

4 months on December 13th
Height: 24 inches (42%)
Weight: 11 lb 4 oz (8%)

It is hard to believe Jossie is already 4 months old! Yes, our little one has a few nick names.  Sometimes she's just Baby Joss but other times she is Jossie and Jossie Mae.  We do love our little peanut and cannot believe she is already 4 months old.  Time is flying with her (I didn't expect anything different) but this time I really really want to be able to enjoy each and everyday.  And so that is exactly what we are doing! 

 What's new?

Joss eats six times a day getting two bottles (one formula) during the day at Mrs. Gina's and nursing the rest of the time.  She is flexible to go back and forth between bottle and breast and I have even tried putting her to bed with the bottle and it was a success.  The doctor didn't like her dropping from the 16% to the 8% in weight and wants us to add a feeding, increase number of ounces, and/or start oatmeal.  I am not super eager to start oatmeal so we will just be doing to the others to increase her calories.  It is hard to find a place to sneak in an extra feeding because she truly seems content after and between eating times.  She has little rolls on her legs and has chubby little cheeks.  Joss is growing just fine to me!! 

I do plan to start weaning her over Christmas break just to eliminate pumping at work in January.  You know I totally hate the pump!  Then I will try feeding her before and after work for as long as my supply allows.  I do love nursing but there is a lot that comes along with nursing and working that makes it less desirable. 

Baby Joss is a great sleeper!  She takes two big naps during the day in the pack n play or crib at home.  Then she always has one little snoozer in the evening before going down for her 10-12 hour slumber at night.  (Other mamas don't be too jealous I paid my dues with Tula.... I promise!  But in turn I still have a very cuddly 3 year old.)  
Jossie is pretty easy to please and will sleep in the arms of a loved on or in the swing but she rarely sleeps in the car.  She likes to look around.... don't put up the sun shade or you will have a screamer!!

Jossie loves to be talked to and sang to...... do NOT walk away though because we are in that "please entertain me every second since I can't entertain myself yet" phase.  She seriously is heart broken when your little conversations are over.  She loves looking at the lights and hearing the music of her play mat.  She just started "talking" to the little birds and grabbing onto the toy rings that are hanging down around her.  She acts like to is really into the TV when the girls are watching Sofia the First or Mickey Mouse which is funny!! 
Her most adored item is her bunny blankie, given to her by a sweet former student, Catie Grace.  She seriously loves having her bunny at all times!  I would love to say she also adores her paci but right now she has figured out how to weasel her thumb into her mouth and suck away.... NOOOOOO!  Right now we are still calling this a phase and are hoping she starts to prefer the paci soon.  Surely she can't be copying Tula just yet.... riiight?!?!


I am so thankful for the blessing of Joss. I really am.  I know I say that every time I write about her but I am thankful to have another little one to love.  I was so full of anxiety during her pregnancy there was part of me that was afraid it would all rise to a boil when she was born.  Satan made me believe that I was not fit to be a mom of three because of the way I felt when she was in the womb. The exact opposite happened.  She has brought with her such a sense of peace upon my heart and I know more than ever that she was the perfect addition to our family.