We've come a long way from our first year of trick or treating with the Amburgey's with two toddlers contained in a wagon, now to five trick or treaters and one little baby! These kiddos had a blast and the more the merrier :) We had lots of laughs watching our little ones run from house to house and trying to convince us to let them eat lots of candy along the way. It's hard to believe that next year Joss will join the rest of the crew for our annual picture!
Tula and Oaklee were excited to pick out candy from Mr. Josh. These little girls were always a few steps behind with their shorter legs and the many candy breaks they took between houses!
A little church reunion on the sidewalk- they were excited to check out the candy that Kennedy and Grant had already gotten.
Our little purple princess was cozy in the carrier and fell asleep pretty quickly. She was toasty snuggled up with mama <3 p="">
Joss was full of energy playing on her play mat when we got home! She can't wait to get some candy next year.... Mommy can wait- stay little, please!
The whole crew ready to get candy at he last house we went to- by this time Tula was very comfortable requesting Starburst or Skittles!! Silly girl- but hey, I was happy if she said please and thank you!
Our little candy monster was happy to get home and eat one more piece of candy!
And here's a Tula memory I don't want to forget:
We have been practicing trick or treating manners.
Mommy: What do you say when you go trick or treating?
Tula: Trick or treat
Mommy: Then they are going to give you candy.... and you say?
Tula: Thank you!
Mommy: Yes, you need to use your manners when they give you a treat!
Lots of practicing and here is what happened at the third house.... she was comfortable pretty fast!
Tula: Trick or treat!
The lady gives her candy...
Mommy: What do you say, Tula?
Tula: Smell my feet!!!!
Mommy: Oh my.... no, Tula, we say thank you!
Tula: Thank you! (as she is running down the drive way and rattles off the end of the poem...) Smell my feet, or I'll show you my panties!
That girl is a mess and I have no idea who would teach her such a song knowing that she forgets NOTHING! Thankful for my prim and proper Princess Ivy and her good manners- maybe eventually they will rub off on the wild little sister!