Maybe you remember our last visit to the farm... I know we definitely haven't forgotten about that day! That is one of my fondest "first" memories for Ivy and I couldn't wait for Tula to experience the farm and all of it's glory. You can imagine the excitement that I had once Cicely and I planned this little trip. Fall break couldn't come soon enough!
The farm did not disappoint! Tula was absolutely shocked at she stared at the enormity of these real animals through the fence. She was not afraid at all and mimicked what she saw Farmer Rhett do- calling the animals and sticking her hands through the holes to pet their noses!
Not only did they have the biggest of horses and llamas, but they also had brand new kittens. The were so lovey and I am sure enjoyed the hands of all these little ones loving on them. Ivy and Rhett talked about how their own cats used the be that small and Sidney Shea was all business teaching Tula how to hold her own kitty.
Tula was tickled when she got a turn with Cinderella Kitten, but didn't know what to do once the little kitten decided she was moving!
We didn't leave the farm without taking the llamas for a walk. Everyone walked the llamas and the Rhett taught Ivy how to play "auction" as he sold one llama after another to the highest bidder. Ivy was interested in the auction but seemed a little nervous to actually jump in and play. Rhett definitely might take after his Uncle James Benton and get into the auction business someday!
After some time with the animals we headed over to Two Sister's Pumpkin Patch which was awesome.... especially since it was free!! The kids played on the hay bales, visited the animals, ran through the corn maze, and sat on a tractor. Cicely and I talked about opening our own pumpkin patch someday! We have dreams :)
(Go ahead, laugh! I am sure you are wondering what my job will be since I don't know much about farming or animals but Cicely has all the details figured out! Someday, friends!)
Sidney Shea and Tula are becoming sweet friends! Before long Oaklee will be walking right along with these big girls.
You can imagine what fun they had on this wagon ride! Let's just say, we were not sneaking up on anyone as these kiddos all have some lungs on them.
We got a picture with everyone. We have almost doubled since our last trip to the farm.... who knows how many little kiddos we will have next time?!? We definitely had a perfect fall day with the farm animals, a pumpkin patch, and our friends! I love looking back on days like that and the memories that were created!