Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Welcome to FABULOUS 5!

 Dear Ivy,

Happy 5th Birthday!  It is hard to believe today you are "a whole hand!" This year is going to be brand new and so exciting.  You will have to dare to be brave and go into the 5's with lots of energy.  Five holds promises of kindergarten and lasting friendships.  Five is about understanding more about life- the importance of family, how to be a good friend, and grasping Jesus' love for you! Five is going to be fabulous- so welcome, my sweet girl, to the FABULOUS 5's!
 Seeing you grow up is so rewarding yet can be hard.  Four has been fun, but I am ready to kiss it goodbye.  At age 4, I saw you experience true sadness for the first time.  I never would have dreamed that my 4 year old could feel rejection- but it happened.  I wanted to protect you.  I wanted to let havoc reign over the person who hurt you.  But I chose to teach you the way my own Mama and your father, Jesus, wants us to react to pain.  We have prayed, you have prayed for the one who hurt you.  These prayers have made Daddy and I cry but sweet girl, you have learned to trust in His power.  At this little age, you learned something BIG, you learned that only God can mend a cold heart (when it is His time) and you learned that God's love is enough to sustain you!
 I am hoping as we start a new year, we won't be looking back.  You will look ahead at those who surround you and love you!  You have a family- that cherishes you the way you cherish them! You have a Mommy and Daddy that love you to the moon and back.  You have a little sister that wants to be just like you!  You have a Pawpaw who is so funny and promises to make more memories with you this year.  You have a Nana and Pops who make special trips to Orange Leaf for you and even make a delicious RAINBOW cake when you request it!  You have an Unc and Esie who think you are pretty awesome and soon they will get to introduce you to your 1st cousin- Baby Graham! And you have so many little friends and it is exciting to see the joy you experience with them.
 You will always be my little girl!  A little bit serious, a little bit funny, and a lot a bit fancy!  I love to see how you are super particular with art projects and the way you brush your hair but you are quick to make a big mess with a pile of dress up clothes and hair accessories.  I love how you described your personality as "someone who like patter-ens" during VBS- a little OCD... I think so!  It is fun to see your likes and dislikes change and grow as you mature in age. 
 Even though things have definitely changed some things are the same- you love taking pictures! You love treats! And you love to be outside!  You are the same little girl who was born with Daddy's eyes and Mommy's personality from the get go.  I don't know where the days have gone but I know through this adventure you are teaching me so much.  I am learning from my mistakes and growing each day into the Mommy I want to be for you.... for your sister.  You are the best, sweet IvyGirl! 
I can't wait to see what the FABULOUS 5's hold! Happy Birthday to you!
Love Always,