There are so many memories created in the month of December for our family. I feel like it is a very busy month but so much of the busy-ness is FUN so I am not complaining! It is a time of year full of traditions (new and old) and full of time spent with friends and extended family. Here are just a few of the things my girls have been enjoying this month!
A Gingerbread birthday party to celebrate Ivy's friend, Addy's, 4th birthday! Definitely a perk of being a Christmas Eve baby~ what a fabulous party idea :)
Rob the elf!! This tradition has been more fun than ever this year :) This is the first year that Ivy gets up looking for Rob's new spot. Rob has had many adventures this year thanks to some great internet ideas! He has made snow angels, been caught swinging from the ceiling fan, made a mess with toilet paper, paper towels, and kleenexes, and delivered marshmallows (dubbed "snowman poop") to our girls! Tula has been in on the action too- even saying "BOB!!" when she sees the elf and then cackling with the funniest Tula laugh. The magic of this season is so fun!
Making Christmas cookies with friends! This year Ivy and Abby were excited to be part of the baking process from beginning to end.... they mixed the ingredients, rolled the dough, picked their own cookie cutters, spread the icing and decorated until they were content! They had a great time being little chefs and enjoying a bite from time to time :)
Tula woke up from her nap just in time to join in and decorate and then devour a Christmas tree in minutes :)
Ivy was invited to attend a "Santa Claus" party and it was so fun! She acted so big amongst the "big kids." She made two ornaments, sang Christmas songs, and then listened to the guest of honor read the Christmas story from the Bible and then Twas the Night Before Christmas. Then it was another chat with Saint Nick for Ivy... the second of the season!
She was sure to ask the man in red for a bigger kitchen for her and Tula to share.... the current kitchen is too small for two "cookers!"
Overall, this month has been a blast and ending it with a two week long vacation just adds to my happiness! I love this time of year! :)
Overall, this month has been a blast and ending it with a two week long vacation just adds to my happiness! I love this time of year! :)