Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tula's 9 Month Check

Tula Belle
9 1/2 months :)
Height: 26 3/4 inches (18%)
Weight: 16 lb 5 oz (8%)

Today was Tula's 9 month check up! She is a little bitty thing :) Growing, but still so tiny! Our little Tula is seriously the happiest baby in the world- she smiles all the time. And when she smiles her whole face smiles.... nose scrunches, eyes squint, gums are at full exposure! Here are some updates about our little one!

* Sleeps 12+ hours a night!
* Likes to "sleep in" but usually have to wake her to get our day going
* Takes 2 naps a day- still super flexible on these :)
* Sleeps in her crib EVERY night and loves her mobile, light up sea horse, blankie, and several pacis at her reach
* We LOVE our video monitor so that we can play, play, play while keeping a watch on our sleeping baby!

* Tula loves anything BRIGHT- especially looking into a sea of bright toys in her basket!
* She bounces and claps to music
* She loves the Elmo doll but we have only attempted to watch it once... not so interested
* Tula has a calm about her when she is outside- she loves the pool, going on walks (the newest craze is the wagon), swinging in the baby swing, and trying to eat grass!
* Favorite games- patty cake and peek a boo
* Ivy is still her best friend- but she lights up when she sees other babies too
* She rolls to get where she is going and attempts to get in crawling position but quickly face plants.... still smiling!

This is where the biggest changes are taking place!

What's the same:
* Eating baby food with the introduction of cheerios and fresh fruit in her baby net!
* She still loves the taste of everything as long as you catch her on the right day- every now and then she will spit something out all day but the next day acts like it is chocolate!
* We will start introducing more mushy table food and hope to see some improvement with the use of the sippy cup (she's great as long as you hold it like a bottle for her)!

What's new:
Tula was making a human pacifier of me with the start of summer! I believe she was looking at me thinking- "Hey, the boobs!! They are here all day! :)" And she was making the best of it! However, this is not what I ever intended nursing to be and this summer was supposed to be a time to begin weaning not to become more attached. So.... we have introduced two bottles a day (lunch and dinner) and she is still nursing morning and night. The bottles began as part breast milk part formula and now (after our fridge bit the dust) they are full formula. She is doing great and still happy as a clam! I plan to continue to nurse morning and night for as long as my body allows. Right now I am still full but I figure my supply will drop only nursing every 12 to 13 hours.... if you know what to expect I would love to hear your input?!?
Tula is doing wonderful taking a bottle from me and this makes me SO happy! I love how her little fingers wrap around it and she takes it out and coos at it and drinks some more.

Happy 9 months to our tiny growing girl!
We love you, Tula Belle~