This morning was the first real day that Ivy has had a babysitter since the last day of school. Over the summer Nana is off work so any time I absolutely had to do something without Ivy by my side she stayed with Nana. I was worried about tears and not napping and quickly realized when I arrived at 3:45 that my child was as happy as a clam. She had quite the day with Miss Kendra, John Hunter, Will, and we can't forget the dogs or the fish! Ivy got to play outside, go on walks, and enjoy all the boy toys to the fullest all with the pink blankie in tow. Here are a couple pictures that Miss Kendra e-mailed me at work so I could catch a little glimpse of Ivy's day!
I love this picture of John Hunter and Ivy looking at the fish pond. Ivy is captivated by him and likes to watch everything he does. I heard JH may have a little crush as he has taken a liking to giving Ivy lots of hugs :) He's going to have to work pretty hard because I think she is just smitten with Mr. Eric (JH's Dad)!