Schedule... the word really makes me laugh!! Because truthfully I don't think kids know what the word means, therefore they do not abide to one set schedule or another. This has been especially funny (not so fun, though) since we got tubes. Greg is totally blaming the tubes but I am not sure that it isn't just Ivy being Ivy. Stubborn, that is! We have not had a morning nap since our return from vacation and I have LOVED this, however for the past two days Ivy has become a bear in the a.m. so nap it is! The worst part is that in the afternoon she is FIGHTING sleep with all of her might. So I am utterly is exhausted after finally getting her to sleep and I am bound and determined that tomorrow morning there will be no nap and Ivy will peacefully go right to sleep after lunch! This will make for a pleasant birthday party for all :)

When we for-go the nap but we desperately need one.... asleep at dinner time.
However, since we are on this crazy "schedule" we have taken advantage and had a play date with our friends Vada and Stella and Mommy Diana. This summer we have had fun together but our schedules are often very different. Diana is lucky enough that her girls sleep in so therefore the do everything quite a bit later than us! But with a late day nap for Ivy play time was a must~ Here are some pics from yesterdays play-date :)

Ivy, Vada, and Cousin Jeffrey playing by the window.
Stella observing from the sidelines with Mommy!! PRECIOUS :)
*This totally captures Stella at her happiest, curled up with Mommy*
We couldn't forget to take a Vada and Mommy shot!