How about this.... could this be Niko?
Or are one of these kiddos Niko?
Your guess is as good as mine.
We have no idea who Niko is- but we are thinking that Niko may be a new "friend"- if you will- of Ivy's. Ivy started talking about Niko on Wednesday night when she was going to bed. She just mentioned that she was holding Niko and that was it. We didn't think much- didn't even stop to say "WHO?"-- just went about our business putting Ivy to bed. Then on Thursday morning, Greg got Ivy up and she babbled about Niko for a good 5 minutes- playing with Niko, sleeping Niko, Niko this.... Niko that.... At that point Greg told me- hey, Ivy woke up talking about the neighbor's dog. That is when I said- who? This neighbor, is a neighbor of my parent's- who's dog's name is Kiko and Ivy doesn't know Kiko??? Again, we dismissed the idea of Niko until nap time rolled around.....
Ivy and Niko did not want to sleep. Ivy told me repeatedly that Niko wants to "pay" and "weed books." It took her close to an hour to go to sleep and for you all who know Ivy- this is not normal. At this point I started asking about Niko- who is this Niko who thinks we don't need a nap??? She pointed around the room at Niko as he played by the door, in the chair, and in her bed. I asked about what Niko looked like and how she knew Niko- to only get a BIG, CHEESY grin! She is in love with this fella, Niko! Yesterday evening, Niko took a trip to Nana and Pops house with Ivy. At this point, we still have no recollection of anyone we know who's name resembles Niko's. Well, she went smoothly to bed last night so we thought Niko may have gone home. Until today.....
As we listened to our music on loud mode in the car I was informed that "Niko dancing!" He also has joined us on a walk and eaten lunch with us. Niko likes books. But today Niko and Ivy are tired and they quickly fell fast asleep. Thank goodness for a tired Ivy and "friend"..... whoever that friend may be???